IO error, image uploading errors

Wondering if anyone can help me with this? I used to be able to upload about 10 or more images at once. Now if I try to upload more than 2 at once I get an "IO error" on the images waiting to be uploaded. SO frustrating since I have to upload 2 at a time now. Any idea what this error is and how to fix it? I am new to zenphoto and I am not a computer person so if this is really obvious, sorry!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What browser are you using? What flash plugin do you have installed? Do you use the multifile upload?

    You can also use the http browser upload if the multifile upload does not work asi t requires quite current browsers and such.
  • I am using Mozilla as a browser. What flash plugin do you recommend? I use the multi file upload, well I try anyway. That is the one that will only let me upload 2 images at a time, anymore than that and I get that IO error. I have tried the http upload and it does the same thing if I try more than 2 images.
  • This sounds like a server-side issue from the error and your description of it. This could be caused by your PHP configuration. You should contact your host to see if they have any insight.
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