probem with permissions?


I am trying to build a gallery with zenphoto, but i have problems with the installation that I don't really understand. I tried both the latest official release and the current svn version of zenphoto on my server running Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

For testing purposes, I performed a chmod -R 777 on the zenphoto folder and changed the ownership to www-data:www-data. Despite of this, zenphoto apaarently fails to write to zp-config.php during setup, so I have to enter the username and password for mysql and the name of the database I previously created manually. After having done this, setup performs all checks succesfully and creates the tables of the database. It successes for example in creating a robots.txt, this shows that apache has the permissions to create/modify files in the zenphoto folder. So why can't setup edit the zp-config.php?

After this, I run into the next problem when I try to setup the admin user for the gallery. When I have entered the data for the new user (username, password, name, email, ...) and click onto "save", it says something like "saved" (in a green box), but in the same time a red box appears which says something like "password resetted. Please enter new username and password". This will continue like this in a loop, and no username or password are saved (as i can see if I look directly at the zp_administrators table in mysql). Help, what I am doing wrong?



  • The .htaccess file is in a different folder from the zp-config.php file. The first is in your WEB root folder. The second in a sub folder named zp-data. So perhaps the permissions on zp-data are wrong.

    Have you checked error logs? Maybe there is something in them that will help diagnose this. From your description of the symptoms, the database update is not happening. I do not really know what might cause this unless there is some permission issue with the mysql access.
  • Hello sbillard,

    thank you for your answer! Finally my problem was not directly related to zenphoto, something was wrong with my apache config... I still don't know what went wrong exactly, but now I reinstalled and reconfigured apache from scratch and everything works ok :)

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