Shopping cart solution (that worked for me)

Hey everyone,
I've been struggling to add a shopping cart to a site for awhile -I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I just managed to integrate FoxyCart. (
I'm always hesitant to become dependent on hosted services - but this one is making life much easier right now.
Thought I'd share this find in case it can help someone else.
Just follow the instructions on their site.
I used a version of following code on my image.php file


" />
" />


That was pretty much all I had to do (of course you have to call the scripts into the head of your file)

Super easy - I hope this helps someone.


  • amyg Member
    You'll need to call the foxycart js in no-conflict mode like: (or it will conflict with some zenphoto scripts)



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How about making this a plugin?
  • Yes, please, make that a plugin.
  • amyg Member
    It's SO easy to configure - I'm not up to the task of creating a plugin - but I'll tell you how to add set it up.

    First - you have to go and create an account. it's free for development - then $19.99 a month (or something like that)

    Once you configure your account - they'll give you links to the scripts which you'll insert into the head of your pages. (image.php and any other pages you want shopping cart info on - ie a mini cart in your sidebar on the album page etc)


    Then on your image.php file: Something like this


    " />
    " />


    That's really all there is to it. There's a bit of configuring to do on the foxycart admin pages - they have really good docs and a forum.
  • amyg Member
    OH - and you can probably ignore my earlier post about the no-conflict...

    I did remove any calls to 'edit in place' on my pages which solved conflicts that I was having - it that's important to you, you'll need to work out a solution.


    `<?php printImageTitle(); ?>`

    instead of this;
    `<?php printImageTitle(true); ?>`
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