I have had wordpress and gallery on my blog for a long time now, and it has just been becoming more and more complex. I discovered ZenPhoto by accident and it's simplicity itself, I love it! Especially with the ZenPage plugin.
I wanted to bring my wordpress posts and comments over but I couldn't find anything to do that, so I wrote a couple of crude SQL export commands that allowed me to export the wp_comments and wp_posts in the format of ZenPhoto database, and directly import them. I thought I'd share them in case others where trying to do the same. Sorry if they are a bit basic but they worked for me
Keep up the great work guys!
== Posts ==
`post_title` as `title`,
`post_content` as `content`,
"" as `extracontent`,
1 as `show`,
`post_date` as `date`,
`post_name` as `titlelink`,
1 as `commentson`,
"a:3:{i:1;s:0:\"\";i:2;s:0:\"\";i:3;s:0:\"\";}" as `codeblock`,
"minch" as `author`,
NULL as `lastchange`,
"" as `lastchangeauthor`,
0 as `hitcounter`,
1 as `permalink`,
0 as `locked`,
NULL as `expiredate`,
0 as `total_votes`,
0 as `total_value`,
0 as `rating`,
NULL as `used_ips`,
3 as `rating_status`
FROM `wp_posts`
WHERE `post_status` = "publish"
ORDER BY `wp_posts`.`ID` ASC
== Comments ==
`comment_ID` as `id`,
`comment_post_ID` as `ownerid`,
`comment_author` as `name`,
`comment_author_email` as `email`,
`comment_author_url` as `website`,
`comment_date` as `date`,
`comment_content` as `comment`,
0 as `inmoderation`,
'news' as `type`,
`comment_author_IP` as `IP`,
0 as `private`,
0 as `anon`,
NULL as `custom_data`
FROM `wp_comments`
ORDER BY `wp_comments`.`comment_ID` ASC