I am using the contact form plugin, and would like to add an extra checkbox field.
I have attempted this by repeating the structure of the code for the other fields wherever it appears on the contact_form.php and contact form/form.php files...
The field is showing on the form, but the value does not get retained at the confirm stage and does not show in the email.
Does anybody know if this is possible, and can help me out?
I would like to add a checkbox field "Would you like to receive our newsletter?"
The fields available at the moment are all text fields and my clumsy attempts at adapting the code have not been successful...
Does anybody have any pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?
I'm sure it's probably quite obvious but I just can't figure it out...
thanks for any help!
On the /contact_form/form.php file I have changed the input type to checkbox. All other references to the company field remain the same.
As this is now a checkbox and not a textfield, I know I must need to adapt more code than this to carry the information through correctly, but I don't know what.. can you possibly give me any ideas?
As a reference to anyone else who might want to include a checkbox on the contact form, I turned the 'company' field into a checkbox using the following code:
` value="yes"<?php if ($_processing_post) echo ' DISABLED'; ?> />`
size:some text here includes spaces:XX.YY size2:more text:ZZ:AA
And the normal <space>s between elements. One of my clients would like to have the following showing correctly:
5x7:Glossy and Matte=19.95
But the spaces break stuff (and hyphens look ugly).
Or, what about just regular strings, such as
"5x7 Glossy and Matte":19.95 "next time here":32.99