Functionality replicating Flickr photostreams?

Are there any plugins for Zenphoto that replicate the 'photostream' view of Flickr? I've got some custom code on one of my sites which does this, by pulling images straight out of the database. If there isn't a plugin already out there, then I might as well clean up my code into a plugin for others to use.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, no, which you would have seen if you look at our extensions section...:-) But there is a third party theme name flickrish that maybe does what you want. I am not familiar with Flickr itself.

    Generally we would recommend to use the object model instead of the database directly for such special stuff.
  • wongm Member
    The "object model" is using zp-core/class-image.php, zp-core/class-album.php, etc? The first issue with directly hitting the database is the prefix - initially I hard coded it, by using the functions in zp-core/functions-db.php I am less likely to have the plugin fail on other people's configurations.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, those are the classes that are the base of everything. There is an article on our user guide.

    For the Zenphoto database prefix there is a function called, well, `prefix('')`.
  • Facebook Albums are great but it’s not a photo storage site. I learnt the hard way. All my great photos of my children were on Facebook and now I cannot use them for photo prints.

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  • wongm Member
    An update for everyone - I have put finally together a Zenhphoto plugin that replicates the Flickr 'photostream' look.

    You can download it here:

    And here is a demo:

    The number of images per page can be customised to fit your theme, you can also sort images by date (time images originally taken) or ID (time images uploaded).

    It ships with a theme file that matches the default Zenphoto theme, it also includes a set of template functions for use with a theme of your choosing.

    From a coding perspective, I have created my own classes that inherit from the standard Zenphoto Album and Image classes, resulting in many of the functions from template-functions.php to still work.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, always welcome! Will be added soon. In case you missed we recently got a reworked flickr like theme named "flickered" (based on the older "flickrish") that does basically the same.

    Just as a note, it would be possible to do a kind of photostream using the Zenpage CombiNews mode as well. But you would have to skip using news articles then. Maybe I should add a mode or parameter to only use images on that, too.
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