Curious if there are still plans to incorporate ImageMagick? Zenphoto is my favorite of the various photo gallery platforms, but the lack of ImageMagick is deal killer since Zenphoto currently won't process thumbnails for large images. ImageMagick seems to get around the PHP memory limitations much better.
Sorry if this is dumb question and feel free to blow me off it's too much trouble to explain, but how exactly would I test it? I installed latest nightly build and downloaded lib-Imagick.24.php. I renamed it to lib-Imagick.php and replaced the file of the same name under zp-core. That didn't work at all, so I'm guessing I'm missing a step or two or three.
ImageMagick extensions are already installed by my host.
For anyone else following along that wants to try it, here's how to do it. Not sure if you must first install latest nightly build or not from ( I did.
1) Go to
2) Download the latest version of lib-Imagick.XX.php (I had to click on the link to the PHP file, then scroll to the bottom of the next page and click on the link that says "Original Format" at the very bottom to get the php file. It should be about 18k. If it's 150+ kilobytes you made same mistake as me.
3) Go to your zp-core folder. Rename lib-Imagick.php to lib-Imagick.php.orig so you can revert back if needed.
4) Upload the file you downloaded previously to the zp-core folder and rename it lib-Imagick.php
5) Go to Image tab under Options in Administration and tick the box at the top to turn it on.
6) Click on Overview Tab to make sure it's working. Should see.
Graphics support: PHP Imagick library 2.3.0
ImageMagick 6.3.9 12/10/08 Q16
For example,
This image is 2592x3888 and 3.9 MB. Thumbnails get created no problem. 06-11-33.jpg
This image is same exact resolution and only 2.7 MB. Thumbnails don't get created. 06-33-32.jpg
It seems to have something to do with the orientation of the photograph and perhaps even something to do with the orientation flag set in the EXIF. Images with Orientation flag of "Right Upper" seem to be the ones that fail on thumbnail creation. It the Orientation flag says "Upper Left", it works.
Not sure if this is related to Zenphoto or graphics processor. Either way, hoping I can just change the EXIF flag and get thumbnails...
Not a huge issue since easy enough to fix the source photos, but I went ahead and created a ticket.
Also, fyi, there's a wiki article for Imagick that details how to install it. Feel free to edit it if you feel it could be improved.
Thanks for link to Wiki article...I missed that. I obviously don't spend enough time looking through the Wiki