HTML Tags at top of Admin

Hello i just installed Zen Photo to try it out and i noticed one of the oddest things i have ever seen.

Zen photo keeps having random HTML tags pop up in absolutely random places. Here is an example and another

The only think i can think of is i recently edited my PHP.ini file.. but the settings are typical of any web server that i have ever ran.

If anyone has any ideas on what could be causing this and a solution i would be very appreciative.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not your fault, this is actually a known bug in Webkit browsers like Safari or Chrome with JavaScript code. It always happens on the first page load and goes away if reloading the page. It does not happen in Internet Explorer or Firefox.

    Sorry, but sadly we have no solution for this as all code is actually correct. Even some tricks from the net like placing the code at the bottom of a page did not help.

    If anyone hase we would be grateful as my main browser is also Safari and I am actually annoyed by this, too.

    Update: Well, seems I am not right. This is related to javascript code not being escaped using CDDATA correctly. Probably we missed it somewhere.
  • I was totally unaware of a CDATA escape. So i read up on it here . So will this possibly be fixed in the next release of Zen Photo?
  • The fix has already been committed in SVN (changeset [5238]). If you need the fix now, you can try installing the nightly build once it's generated tonight. Also, the change will be included in the next release. :)
  • Wow talk about speedy service! You guys are awesome! Thanks for the help and introducing me to the CDATA escape!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
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