Joomla Album Image Mod Broken After Update

The following code worked bringing an album image into a Joomla module until I was recently forced to update Zenphoto. My host changer to 5.3:


$randomImage = getRandomAlbumImage();
$randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);
$randomAlbumURL = getAlbumURL($randomImage);
$albumDescription = getDescFromImg($randomImage->getFileName());

echo "getTitle() . "'>
<img src='/".htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getCustomImage(NULL, 216, 162, 216, 162, NULL, NULL, NULL)). " '
alt=\"random image\"
" . ' />

<div style=" padding-top:70px">

'.$randomImage->getTitle(). '</div>'

Any Ideas on how to get this working agian. I would love to make this a joomla mod.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I can't see any code example, you need to escape with "backticks" like this `code example`.

    I am not familiar with Joomla so I don't know what it does within modules. Generally Zenphoto is a standalone system and developed as such. We don't test inclusions with other CMS. If you uses the "zenphoto as a plugiN" way described on our site that might be because of Joomla. That way does not work with Wordpress anymore because they changed something.
  • Here is the code. Just wondering if anything is obviously wrong:

    I am calling this through Jumi-an add-on for joomla



    $randomImage = getRandomAlbumImage();

    $randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);

    $randomAlbumURL = getAlbumURL($randomImage);

    $albumDescription = getDescFromImg($randomImage->getFileName());

    echo "getTitle() . "'>

    imagegetCustomImage(NULL, 216, 162, 216, 162, NULL, NULL, NULL)). " '

    alt=\"random image\"

    " . ' />

    '.$randomImage->getTitle(). '





  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So how do you include the Zenphoto functions to use them within Joomla? As said I am not familiar with Joomla so I don't know what the Jumi-an add on is or what it does (and seriously I have no time to investigate that, sorry).

    Zenphoto did not change its basic functionality so maybe an update of Joomla or something is the cause.
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