No watermark on the full size picture or how to block the direct access

Hi there,

I've found several topic related to the watermark and full size picture but none respond to my problem.

If I have a picture here :
I've got the watermark on my pictures and even on the full size. This part is all god. But I can still access to my full size pictures without watermark by :

Any solution to block that ?

I hope I've been clear enough in my explanation.

Thanks for your time.


  • Please search the forum for "external album". I think this will result in some suggestions. Basically you need to prevent access to the "albums" folder by anyone browsing from the WEB. Note that this will somewhat reduce functionality as any "Flash" items on your theme such as slide shows will not be able to access the album folder either.
  • Thanks sbillard. I found what I was looking for here

    I edit my `zp-config.php` and change the `$conf['album_folder'] = '/albums/';` with a name really hard to guess. But I didn't change the `$conf['album_folder_class'] = 'std';` because it's the same folder.
    It looks like it's all working so far. I have to test with a video
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