Is it possible to have 2 different looks/feel using same zenphoto install?

Installed zenphoto, customized, works awesome. The question I have is this. Can use 2 different looks/feel using same zenphoto install? Meaning, one gallery looks like this and one gallery looks like this

All the while using one admin, one install in the root directory. Not sure if this makes sense.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, two options:
    1. You do that directly in your theme via custom coding.
    2. You use the album theme feature. That means you create two different themes and assign them to the two albums that should look different (we speak of "albums", "gallery" in Zenphoto terms means the whole install).
  • awesome, thats the answer I was looking for. I will just develop another theme and apply it to the album. thanks so much
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