Google Map support for the StopDesign theme

Hi all,

I have added support for the Google Map plugin in the stopdesign theme and would like to share it with you.
The maps (for images or albums) are displayed in "colorbox" windows (like the metadata).

the patch is available here :

Please note that you will also need the following patch for the Google Map plugin:

You may also need the following patch to read the GPS data from the images:

Feel free to use it/modify it as you like.



  • JiDai Member
    I'm interested in your post but I don't understand how to use the first file.
    Can you help me ?
  • Hi,

    it's a "unified diff patch" file i.e. the differences between the original version and the modified version in a format understandable by the patch command.

    1/ Download the 1.2.9 version of zenphoto
    2/ uncompress it
    3/ download the 3 patches (mine and the 2 others from zenphoto I gave)
    4/ Apply this patches on your zenphoto tree: If you are using any flavor of unix/linux distro the patch command should be already installed, so something like this should do the trick:
    $ cd zenphoto-1.2.9
    $ patch -p1 < /path_to_the_patch_file/path_googlemap_stopdesign
    $ patch -p1 < /path_to_the_patch_file/changeset_r5233.diff
    $ patch -p1 < /path_to_the_patch_file/changeset_r5101.diff

    If you are running windows,you can use the patch command from

    Some GUI may exist but I'm not aware of (I quit windows for years now)

    5/ follow the standard install/update procedure of zenphoto.


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