This is about to drive me nuts, because I'm absolutely certain this was working before.
I noticed a few days ago that the gallery view was no longer showing random thumbnails for my albums. I checked settings, and noticed that my thumbnail settings for each album were set to "most recent" rather than "randomly selected." Odd, but... okay.
So I chose "randomly selected" from the dropdown menu, clicked to save and... nothing. No change. I get the green success message, but the setting still reads "most recent" and the thumbnail shown is indeed the most recent.
Every other setting aside from "randomly selected" is accepted perfectly.
This happens across themes, and in any case I haven't changed themes since the problem started happening.
I thought maybe something had gone corrupt, so I tried a clean installation, to no avail. It still won't switch to random for me.
Any ideas?
I use absolutely no plugins, so there wouldn't be conflict there.
My site looks normal and works absolutely perfectly, aside from the fact that my random thumbnails have stopped working.
There's a lot of head-scratching going on.
I am also having same problem here. What I have figured out is it happens to only first and last album not all.
Has anybody any idea?
I have a site on the same server running on ver 1.2.9 without problems, but the ver 1.3 site will not allow me to choose the option "randomly selected"