Will my Photos turn up on Google Images

I would like to know if my photos will ever turn up on Google Images?
How can I ensure that they will or wont appear?


  • turning mod-rewrite on along with utilizing your robots.txt will help your chances.

    if you turn off mod-rewrite and disallow access in your robots.txt then it will be less likely.
  • a quick example of a robots.txt file which i have on a site.

    User-Agent: Googlebot-Image
    Disallow: /

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /zenphoto
  • What does
    `User-agent: *

    Disallow: /zenphoto`
  • What he is saying above is
    Googlebot-Image can NOT get to his whole website

    all other "SearchBots" can get to his website but not the zenphoto directory
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