Hi, I've decided to give Zen a go, I've never used PHP or Mysql before but i work in IT and am familiar with IIS, MS SQL, Oracle etc...
Is there a full installation guide for Zen, I've installed, mysql, apache, php and extracted zen to web directory but when i run setup.php nothing happens in the browser, it just displays the page. Is there anything i need to edit, is there a sql script to create the database etc, is there anything i should check on initial install, any help would be grateful.
I'm installed locally on windows xp pro!
If you have Apache, PHP, and MySQL already installed, then it should be very easy to install per the instructions. You'll have to create the database first before running `setup.php`. From there, it's pretty self-explanatory. The `setup.php` script should tell you if anything further needs to be done. If it runs without problem, then you should be good to go!