Full Installation Guide

Hi, I've decided to give Zen a go, I've never used PHP or Mysql before but i work in IT and am familiar with IIS, MS SQL, Oracle etc...

Is there a full installation guide for Zen, I've installed, mysql, apache, php and extracted zen to web directory but when i run setup.php nothing happens in the browser, it just displays the page. Is there anything i need to edit, is there a sql script to create the database etc, is there anything i should check on initial install, any help would be grateful.

I'm installed locally on windows xp pro!


  • There is an installation guide in the User Guide here: http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/08/installation-and-upgrading/#1

    If you have Apache, PHP, and MySQL already installed, then it should be very easy to install per the instructions. You'll have to create the database first before running `setup.php`. From there, it's pretty self-explanatory. The `setup.php` script should tell you if anything further needs to be done. If it runs without problem, then you should be good to go!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course we don't provide any installation guides to server stuff like PHP or MySQL itself. I have never done that myself because there is no need to. My host does it already and for locally testing there are complete convenient packages available. For Windows I recommend to use a package like WAMP.
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