problem with RSS Feed for new pictures ?

vincent3569 Member, Translator

i've three RSS links on my website : Gallery, News, News and Gallery.
i've two different results with the links Gallery and News and Gallery.
the first one shows the latest photos added on my website
the second one shows the most recent photos (regarding the date of the photos) on my website.

why there is this two different results ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The gallery and news rss sorts items by date as articles have only a date. You images might have an older internal date than the date they have been uploaded (this is a kind of date vs mtime). Thus the difference.

    Update: Just looking at the code I might have an idea how to fix this behaviour for the next release.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    there is the code of my footer.php (
    <?php printRSSLink('Gallery','',gettext('Gallery'), '', true); ?>
    <?php if(function_exists('printZenpageRSSLink')) { ?>
    <?php printZenpageRSSLink('News','',' | ',gettext('News'),' | ', true); ?>
    <?php printZenpageRSSLink('NewsWithImages','','',gettext("News and Gallery"),'', true); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    in fact, very similar with the code of the official theme zenpage (sidebar.php)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That code has nothing to do with the "issue" which is internal. Tonight's nightly build wll contain an improvement for Zenpage if you use "mtime" as a sortorder.

    Note that RSS might use latestimages by id (id = order when ZP discovers an images, date = date the file has internally set via EXIF for example, mtime= filedate). If using a combined display with news articles they are also sorted by date and never by id (sorting news articles by id is pretty useless). A little confusing I know, so use sortorder date or mtime instead.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    Thank you for the nightbuild improvement

    "A little confusing I know..."
    you're right, it's a little bit confusing (i don't realy undersand sorting with date, mtime,...)
    what should i do with night build to have the same results between the 2 rss ?

    maybe, you could make an entry in troubleshooting...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Look at the options and set the rss feed sort order either to date or mtime.
    Options > RSS > RSS feed sortorder

    As said getting imagesg by id does only work for image/album only feeds. Articles have of course a id but that is never their sort order. articles and gallery items are a little different.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    as you suggest, i set sort order to date on image rss and album rss.
    the result is still the same
  • Any chance you're seeing the cached RSS feed? Make sure you clear the RSS cache before comparing the result.
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