Hi. I'm using getRandomImageAlbum() and it seems like doing this with an album of only 1 image will not work. If I have two images in the album, it will only return the 2nd image. Has this been addressed already? Thanks, Mark
Yes, I believe it was I who found and fixed that a few weeks ago :-) You might need to upgrade to the nightly build, or if you prefer not to, I can post the specific 2 small code changes you'd need to make.
Yes, I believe it was I who found and fixed that a few weeks ago :-) You might need to upgrade to the nightly build, or if you prefer not to, I can post the specific 2 small code changes you'd need to make.
`$rand_row = rand(1, $result['row_count']);`
Change them both to read:
`$rand_row = rand(0, $result['row_count']-1);`
That should do it!