hey everyone,
I have been trying to show the recent images uploaded to my zenphotoalbum.
I have managed to continue the tutorial to get a random image
using the instructions given
http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/12/zenphoto-as-a-plug-in-using-zenphoto-functions-from-outside-zenphoto/When I try to call the
using the insturctions given in the tutrial above (which calls the template-functions.php),
it tells me that the function does not exists.
But when I tried calling
I got the following error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_loggedin() in
\Hosting\4154963\html\zenphoto\zp-core\zp-extensions\image_album_statistics.php on line 316
anyone can help me?
thanks a lot.
Besides that this does not work with all systems, as written on that page (and you did not tell, if and what you use).
i just had to require the template-function.php
i consider myself only as a designer
but im still a newbie at php and all that coding
atlough i get a grasp at what is happening, i dont know the syntax and stuff.
I now have to ask if it is possible
to call a php function
from .asp page?
as the current website is designed in asp.net 2.0/3.0
however what I did was create an iframe within the asp page,
that was linked to php page which showed me the recent image uploaded in the gallery.
take a look at it, http://xaghrascouts.com/default2.asp
however i have a slight problem..
when i am clicking on the recent images,
the gallery is opening up in the small iframe...
anyone can help me sort this out?
@Nazzdesigns: YOu have to break out of the frame (yes, this is partly why they are ugly). I suggest to learn a few things about the basics, for example on www.w3schools.com.
using the following
<script language="Javascript">
if (top.location!= self.location) {
top.location = self.location.href
in the index.php in the main folder...
it worked ok...
however the theme broke up.. (im using the original stopdesign)
anyone have a workout for this?
thanks a lot
so that the links it provide will open a new window with the link clicked upon?
Life is so much easier when you get to make up yor own rules! :-)
PHP 5 and IIS 7.0