I've just upgraded to the lastest nightly and I have this error on image.php (never had it before and it's the same theme I've been using for over a year)
`Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in /home/..../image.php on line 31 and defined in /home/.../photos/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4331`
and this is the code I'm using
<?php if (!checkforPassword()) { ?>
$fullimage = getFullImageURL();
if (!empty($fullimage)) {
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
<?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>
<?php echo getHitcounter(); ?> views
<?php } ?>
You can create a custom password script page if you like or just let Zenphoto use its version. You can look at the standard themes for examples. They all include theme based password handling.
If you still wish to call checkForPassoword() then you need to pass it two parameters. These parameters are manditory and must be variables that are already defined in your script. They are used to return the password hint and a toggle that tells Zenphoto whether to show the user name field on the logon form. You can, of course, ignore the results of these parameters.