Say I have 10 pictures in an album, 5 need to be password protected (if I understood correctly zp doesn't password-protect photos, only albums, what I mean is I need people to register before they can see the pics) while the other five can be accessed by anyone. Is it possible?
I know you can unpublish the photos and then you can see them if you're logged-in but I also need a way to show un-registered users that there are unpublished photos too, I don't know maybe with a lock thumbnail.
I swear I read somewhere it was possible but I can't find the thread anymore.
Also, I know there's the flag_thumbnail plugin but, I don't know, it works only on albums and only when I'm already logged-in.
If you want people to be able to know the album exists but not access it then you just password protect it. Its icon will show as a "lock" image (this is an option) to people not "logged on". If they click the icon link they will get a logon page.
If you want to both hide and protect the album then you would also mark it unpublished as well. If you wish this, then you will want to have the people with access be "registered users" rather than just know the guest password. Registered users would see the album link (again if the appropriate rights/album access is granted them.) Guest users will not see unpublished albms.
Recomended reading:
Ideally an album that can be accesses by anyone, all the photos in it are public except a few of them that shall remain private and accessible only to people with view rights.
I just need a way to tell people 'hey there are more pics in this album but you need to register first if you want to see them'. Can't we have a lock-icon as a thumb placeholder?
If I decide to simply unpublish those private pics no one will ever know they're there ( unless I tell them or they decide to register for whatever else reason)
If you have a password protected album it will (normally) show as a lock thumb to someone without the password. Of course this is the case where you do NOT mark the album as unpublished.
Things are really pretty simple:
unpublished albums are not visible to people without the appropriate credentials
password protected albums are not accessable to people without the appropriate credentials. You can use any combination of these attributes to get whatever behavior you want.
There is NO way to protect just some pictures within a particular album. Nor is there likely ever to be such.
I was searching for an exact way to do this, and am saddened that this wasn't possible (at least 1 year ago).
Like Barbara, I was hoping to avoid the subalbum "private" for protected photos within the album. If I wanted to make changes to my core (which, with your frequent updates, I don't want to do), I would change the Published checkbox to a radio style input with Visible, Invisible, Password Protected and have a login form display if Password protected were checked (or something to this extent). I understand it's not easy, but I just thought it would be cool to have.
The reason I wanted to avoid the private subalbum was because I didn't want to split up my photos into a subdirectory; I wanted a person to be able to see all the photos in one album as an administrator does. Thus, the big alternative is to create the guest user. The problem lies with that person having access to all "hidden" photos, which is also something I wanted to avoid. I want person A to see these 5 albums and not these other 5 albums. Person B would have access to their own set of albums, person C so on and so forth. If there were a way to create a guest user with full access to specific albums, that would be ideal, like a checkbox.
Anyways, just thought I'd bring this old post up again, wondering if any changes had been made, or perhaps any new suggestions.
It is very unlikely we will implement password protection on individual images, though. We think the management of that would be too costly both for Zenphoto performance and for the admin tyring to keep things straight on the site.
I was just stating that an alternative for me would be if there were a way to get logged-in users to view full albums on certain albums only (without managing them). Like if I have family photos I don't want my friends to see or vice versa, but there is some overlap between albums: A - family and friends album, B - family only album, C - friends only album, etc. Family user sees full albums A & B but not all of C, and Friends user sees not all of A but all of B & C.
I will look at 1.4.1.
EDIT: it looks like the managing thing does exactly that, allows them to see a specific album without managing it, all the while preventing them from seeing the full album on others (provided View Albums is unchecked). Thanks!
I assume you did read at least the theming tutorial for the basics?