tinymce config reload

This is a dumb question but I can't find it answered so here goes. :)

I am messing with the tinymce init file, editor_config_light.php. I can't seem to get the changes to take place. I've reloaded the admin panel, switched back and forth between "full" and "light" in the zenpage options, and it still seems like my changes aren't taking place. What am I missing?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    actually that is right that way, but of coruse the light/full is only for Zenpage pages and news. The gallery albums/images have their own define within zp-core/js
  • That's not my problem. I am looking at the news tinymce box and the changes aren't taking place. Do I have to recompile something or other?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok then. It's really that simple, nothing to compile or such. Maybe your browser cache is playing tricks on you?
  • :) Oops, I was being dumb. It is changing things, it just seems that the "paste_use_dialog" doesn't do what I think it should do (I want to get rid of the dialog box paste and just paste directly). Thanks!
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