Speed boost?

Right now, I'm running off ZenPhoto 1.2.2. I'm considering upgrading to 1.2.9 (as to why I already haven't - no time) but was wondering something.

Currently, when I go to edit and album or create a new album, my whole site begins to slowdown and everything loads pretty slow. Was that an issue in 1.2.2 that's been addressed in 1.2.9 or is that just me?

BTW - I have a LOT of albums.


  • Sorry, but it is hard to remember changes from so long ago. But you can look at the change history http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/log/trunk and see what you find.

    Since you are just now considering upgrading, I would suggest you might want to either wait a few weeks or try the nightly builds as the 1.3 release is coming soon http://www.zenphoto.org/2010/05/zenphoto-1-3-0-pre-announcement/.
  • jonscot Member
    I just uploaded the nightly - and there is MARKED improvement in the performance of the service, the snappiness of the menu response, all around, a VERY NICE upgrade.
  • SCRAWL Member
    I guess I could wait until May 27.

    Does the upgrade from 1.2.2 mess with the theme at all? I have a custom theme running to fit my site, and I just want to make sure it's still usable after I upgrade.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How can we answer that since we don't know what custom stuff your theme does?
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