themes for subalbums and albums


I don't know if that's a bug, but it seems that way. I know that custom themes are supported only for first level albums.
But I think it results in strange behaviour. I have dynamic album, based on tags search. And one of the albums having that specific tag has custom theme (the album is top level one) - but when I access it via dynamic album, it is treated as subalbum, and therefore it custom theme is ignored.



  • Well, as you said, you accessed it as a subalbum. Themes are not applied to subalbums, only the parent. Seems pretty consistent to me.
  • altert Member
    ok. For my project I've made modification to functions.php but could I suggest to include theme support for subalbums as an option?
    I think that would increase zenphoto flexibility and personally had need it in two projects already. (E.g. current project - gallery has two major subalbums, and gallery owner wants to have different album styles for different albums. I've decided to use tags and dynamic albums, but in the end that meant the same restriction:) Changing this behaviour was very easy. Btw, I still wasn't able to include theming for subalbums in admin edit. Could you point me in right direction?)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    With a little coding on the theme directly you can do already what you want to do. Check for the current album and assign a specific CSS if it matches.
  • altert Member
    Thanks. Well, that's also an option. It would lack convenience of choosing the theme from admin interface though. By the way - what is the reasoning behind disabling theming of subalbums?
  • Performance. Adds much overhead for little value.

    Anyway, checkout the filter sets described in the plugin architecture. With these you can transform one theme to another with whatever code you choose. Always a better idea than modifying the core which is guaranteed to become a maintenance nightmare.
  • altert Member
    thanks, I'll give it a try
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