improvment for printAllTagsAs

vincent3569 Member, Translator

the printAllTagsAs function allows to change the max font size for the most relevant tags.
but we can't configure the min font size (this value is declared with the ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE constant)

I modified the function like that :

function printAllTagsAs($option,$class='',$sort='abc',$counter=FALSE,$links=TRUE,$minfontsize=1,$maxfontsize=3,$maxcount=50,$mincount=10, $limit=NULL) {
if ($val <= $mincount) {
$size = $minfontsize; /*ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE;*/
} else {
$size = min(max(round(($maxfontsize*($val-$mincount))/($maxcount-$mincount), 2), $minfontsize /*ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE*/), $maxfontsize);
could you take this improvement in the zenphoto's core ?
it would be cool !


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