the printAllTagsAs function allows to change the max font size for the most relevant tags.
but we can't configure the min font size (this value is declared with the ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE constant)
I modified the function like that :
function printAllTagsAs($option,$class='',$sort='abc',$counter=FALSE,$links=TRUE,$minfontsize=1,$maxfontsize=3,$maxcount=50,$mincount=10, $limit=NULL) {
if ($val <= $mincount) {
$size = $minfontsize; /*ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE;*/
} else {
$size = min(max(round(($maxfontsize*($val-$mincount))/($maxcount-$mincount), 2), $minfontsize /*ALLTAGS_MINFONTSIZE*/), $maxfontsize);
could you take this improvement in the zenphoto's core ?
it would be cool !