Remove Album/Gallery Description in effervescence SmoothGallery

I really want to remove the space above the Smoothgallery slideshow and under the navbar in the Effervescence theme. I set the text to 0px so the descriptions (or "No description") doesnt show anymore. However, there is still 50-80px of empty space above the slideshow. Anyway I can get rid of this? Need urgent reply thanks.


  • Change the CSS for the description DIV to display:none
  • wmedia Member
    I edited effervescence.css to say this:

    #description a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    #main2 #description a {
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 0px;
    height: 0px;
    #main2 #description a:hover {
    color: #080808;

    It did not work. Is this something I need to change in the gallery.php or album.php file?
  • wmedia Member
  • Perhaps you had better study how CSS works. all you changed were the links. If you want the space to go away you need to have the whole DIV set to display:none as I said in my speedy reply to your URGENT request.
  • wmedia Member
    there wasnt a div dedicated to the description. apparently the description and header is displayed together. i had to reduce the the size of the header div instead. issue resolved.
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