getSubAlbums is deprecated

I had to start from scratch a few months ago with zenphoto and I thought I was good to go. Turns out after working for a month or so, now I'm getting this error message on each photo: getSubAlbums is deprecated

I'm mystified. Here's my site:
Any suggestions on how I can correct this? I cannot even get into my admin anymore because the saved password I've been using wont work.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The error, which is a notice btw, about the deprecated getSubAlbums actually tells you exactly what to do.

    But I would guess that you did not correctly upgrade to 1.2.9 which also setup tells you. Additionally you might want to set your server not to show php errors directly on the site (ask your host if you don't know).

    Regarding the password please see the troubleshooting.
  • I see from a previous post that using simple scripts is not a good way to do this install. So, I have downloaded a new one. Is there a way to just re-write this? I installed the original using simple scripts through hostmonster.

    If I upload the zip files, can you tell this dummy (lol) where to put the files?

    I appreciate your time and thank you. :o)
  • THank you. That didn't work completely. I think I will just use a different photo album program. Please keep in mind that people come here for advice because they do not have any idea of what they are supposed to do. Not to feel worse. We're all just looking for a bit of help.

    Have a great day.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe you should just tell what exactly did not work before deciding? Installing is generally that simply as the page I linked tell. Of course we do not know all servers.
  • Also tell things like whom yur service provider is. Many of the providers who use SimpleScrits also have other "anomolies" in the service they provide which interfere with Zenphoto. Users on these forums who have experience with these providers can possibly tell you what you need to do.

    But of course you cannot expect us to know all the foibles of every provider--specially when that information has not been provided.
  • It looks like you may be using a theme which is out of date - you might check to see if there is a new version of it for the current Zenphoto version. Otherwise, it might require a few tweaks to get it into compliance with the revised architecture.
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