Images loop inside album loop ignoring first album

MarB Member
I'm trying to display album with few sample images on album.php. I thought that this should do the job:

<?php while (next_album()): ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?><?php getBareAlbumTitle();?>">

<?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>

<?php echo truncate_string(getBareAlbumDesc(),235);?>

<?php while (next_image()): ?>
<?php printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace('Image',270,180);?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
This kind of works. But it ignores first album (displays Album title but no thumbs. Is it bug or is there a problem between monitor and keyboard? Thanks for any suggestions.


  • MarB Member
    Don't know what I did, but it just started to work like a charm.
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