this is to report an inconsistency i guess.
when using the function `printZenpageRSSHeaderLink("News", gettext('News RSS') );`, we should get "News RSS". but we always get "zenphoto/rss-news.php?lang=en_US" (or whatever your language is at the end).
looking at the template-functions.php file for the zenpage extension i found that the`printZenpageRSSHeaderLink` function call the `getZenpageRSSHeaderLink` function with only 2 arguments ($option and $linktext) where the `getZenpageRSSHeaderLink` expects at least 3 arguments ($option, $categorylink and $linktext). i think the `printZenpageRSSHeaderLink` should slightly be modified to match the number and order of the arguments.
I guess the link text should be used with the "title" attribute if it should be used at all.