Link to start page doesn't work with Revision 246 (subalbum)

I have installed revision 246. But the link to the the albums start page doesn't work.

I get this message: <b><Warning></b>: array_search(): Wrong datatype for first argument in</var/www/org/albumet/zen/classes.php</b> on line <b>624</b><br>/albumet/

I have installed all the files again and again, without success.

Any ideas?


  • that is strange, I have the subalbum branch installed (246) and it works fine for me..
  • Yes, I saw it yesterday! I'll try again!
  • I tried on another server and I got the same problem.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Probably has to do with PHP4 not supporting objects as searchable within an array... this also happens in 1.0.3 if you didn't notice ;-)

    I'm back from vacation, this is on the list, it'll get fixed sometime.

    Also, btw, the subalbums branch is very buggy and shouldn't be used yet by anyone. ;-)
  • Thank you for your help! I'm using PHP 4.3 if I remenber well. However, it seems to work fine in 1.0.3

    Well well, I will try to be patient and wait a release with subalbums included. It will be hard :-)
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