Problem with upgrade to 1.3


I am trying to upgrade and everything seems oke!

Zenphoto has detected that you're upgrading to a new version.
Systems Check:

* PHP version 5.2.3
* PHP Safe Mode
* PHP magic_quotes_gpc
* Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
* PHP gettext() support
* PHP mbstring package
* PHP MySQL support
* zp-config.php file
* File/Folder Permissions [are strict (0755)] Notice! click for details

If file and folder permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file/folder permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.

You must be logged in to change permissions.
* MySQL setup in zp-config.php
* MySQL version 4.1.20
Version 4.1 or greater is required. Use a lower version at your own risk.
Version 5.0 or greater is preferred.
* Connect to the database
* MySQL SQL mode
* MySQL access rights
* MySQL show tables found: zp_administrators, zp_admintoalbum, zp_albums, zp_captcha, zp_comments, zp_images, zp_obj_to_tag, zp_options, zp_tags, zp_zenpage_news, zp_zenpage_news2cat, zp_zenpage_news_categories, zp_zenpage_pages
* MySQL field collations [Image and Album tables]
images->id, images->albumid, images->filename, images->title, images->desc, images->location, images->city, images->state, images->country, images->credit, images->copyright, images->commentson, images->show, images->date, images->sort_order, images->height, images->width, images->mtime, images->EXIFValid, images->hitcounter, images->total_value, images->total_votes, images->used_ips, images->EXIFOrientation, images->EXIFMake, images->EXIFModel, images->EXIFExposureTime, images->EXIFFNumber, images->EXIFFocalLength, images->EXIFFocalLength35mm, images->EXIFISOSpeedRatings, images->EXIFDateTimeOriginal, images->EXIFExposureBiasValue, images->EXIFMeteringMode, images->EXIFFlash, images->EXIFImageWidth, images->EXIFImageHeight, images->EXIFContrast, images->EXIFSharpness, images->EXIFSaturation, images->EXIFGPSLatitude, images->EXIFGPSLatitudeRef, images->EXIFGPSLongitude, images->EXIFGPSLongitudeRef, images->EXIFGPSAltitude, images->EXIFGPSAltitudeRef, images->custom_data, images->EXIFWhiteBalance, images->EXIFSubjectDistance, images->thumbX, images->thumbY, images->thumbW, images->thumbH, albums->id, albums->parentid, albums->folder, albums->title, albums->desc, albums->date, albums->place, albums->show, albums->closecomments, albums->commentson, albums->thumb, albums->mtime, albums->sort_type, albums->subalbum_sort_type, albums->sort_order, albums->image_sortdirection, albums->album_sortdirection, albums->hitcounter, albums->password, albums->password_hint, albums->total_value, albums->total_votes, albums->used_ips, albums->custom_data, albums->dynamic, albums->search_params, albums->album_theme are not UTF-8. You should consider porting your data to UTF-8 and changing the collation of the database fields to utf8_unicode_ci
* Zenphoto core files
* .htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
* .htaccess RewriteBase is /
* robots.txt file [Not created] Notice! click for details

Setup did not create a robots.txt file because one already exists.
* albums folder
* cache folder
* locale folders
* uploaded folder
* zp-data folder
* HTML cache folder (cache_html)
* Third party plugins folder (plugins)

But when i try to login to start the upgrade:

Zenphoto encountered an error
MySQL Query ( SELECT * FROM `zp_administrators` WHERE `valid` = '1' ) failed. MySQL returned the error Unknown column 'valid' in 'where clause'

Can somebody help?



  • Some Extra information, I was upgrading from version: 1.2.4 and followed the upgrade process as described on the Zenphoto website.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am sorry, I don't think we have tested upgrading from 1.2.4. The only thing that comes to mind for now is to delete the administrators tables manually and let setup recreate it. If you have several users don't forget to backup the database before that.
  • Hello acrylian,

    For your information:

    I have removed the “zp_administrator” tables and I did a setup again.
    Everything works fine now!

    Thanks for your support.

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