I am trying to upgrade and everything seems oke!
Zenphoto has detected that you're upgrading to a new version.
Systems Check:
* PHP version 5.2.3
* PHP Safe Mode
* PHP magic_quotes_gpc
* Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
* PHP gettext() support
* PHP mbstring package
* PHP MySQL support
* zp-config.php file
* File/Folder Permissions [are strict (0755)] Notice! click for details
If file and folder permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file/folder permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.
You must be logged in to change permissions.
* MySQL setup in zp-config.php
* MySQL version 4.1.20
Version 4.1 or greater is required. Use a lower version at your own risk.
Version 5.0 or greater is preferred.
* Connect to the database
* MySQL SQL mode
* MySQL access rights
* MySQL show tables found: zp_administrators, zp_admintoalbum, zp_albums, zp_captcha, zp_comments, zp_images, zp_obj_to_tag, zp_options, zp_tags, zp_zenpage_news, zp_zenpage_news2cat, zp_zenpage_news_categories, zp_zenpage_pages
* MySQL field collations [Image and Album tables]
images->id, images->albumid, images->filename, images->title, images->desc, images->location, images->city, images->state, images->country, images->credit, images->copyright, images->commentson, images->show, images->date, images->sort_order, images->height, images->width, images->mtime, images->EXIFValid, images->hitcounter, images->total_value, images->total_votes, images->used_ips, images->EXIFOrientation, images->EXIFMake, images->EXIFModel, images->EXIFExposureTime, images->EXIFFNumber, images->EXIFFocalLength, images->EXIFFocalLength35mm, images->EXIFISOSpeedRatings, images->EXIFDateTimeOriginal, images->EXIFExposureBiasValue, images->EXIFMeteringMode, images->EXIFFlash, images->EXIFImageWidth, images->EXIFImageHeight, images->EXIFContrast, images->EXIFSharpness, images->EXIFSaturation, images->EXIFGPSLatitude, images->EXIFGPSLatitudeRef, images->EXIFGPSLongitude, images->EXIFGPSLongitudeRef, images->EXIFGPSAltitude, images->EXIFGPSAltitudeRef, images->custom_data, images->EXIFWhiteBalance, images->EXIFSubjectDistance, images->thumbX, images->thumbY, images->thumbW, images->thumbH, albums->id, albums->parentid, albums->folder, albums->title, albums->desc, albums->date, albums->place, albums->show, albums->closecomments, albums->commentson, albums->thumb, albums->mtime, albums->sort_type, albums->subalbum_sort_type, albums->sort_order, albums->image_sortdirection, albums->album_sortdirection, albums->hitcounter, albums->password, albums->password_hint, albums->total_value, albums->total_votes, albums->used_ips, albums->custom_data, albums->dynamic, albums->search_params, albums->album_theme are not UTF-8. You should consider porting your data to UTF-8 and changing the collation of the database fields to utf8_unicode_ci
* Zenphoto core files
* .htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
* .htaccess RewriteBase is /
* robots.txt file [Not created] Notice! click for details
Setup did not create a robots.txt file because one already exists.
* albums folder
* cache folder
* locale folders
* uploaded folder
* zp-data folder
* HTML cache folder (cache_html)
* Third party plugins folder (plugins)
But when i try to login to start the upgrade:
Zenphoto encountered an error
MySQL Query ( SELECT * FROM `zp_administrators` WHERE `valid` = '1' ) failed. MySQL returned the error Unknown column 'valid' in 'where clause'
Can somebody help?
For your information:
I have removed the “zp_administrator†tables and I did a setup again.
Everything works fine now!
Thanks for your support.