
I am not sure why but after installing 1.4.5 dev, it reported "display_errors" as being on. And sure enough started reporting errors on the web page.

The reason this is weird is because it wasn't doing that in, and I have not only double-checked, but TRIPLE checked my php settings for this host and display_errors is off everywhere. The only thing that appears to be saying that it's on is Zenphoto.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, it does that on purpose. Dev builds are no official releases.
  • Ah, was curious because previous dev builds adhered to the php settings, errors were still accessible in my log, just not displayed on my website.

    A bit odd to ignore php.ini settings especially on a release we're being asked to test because it's close to production release. Most people will put it on their production site simply because they get more traffic and will likely expose any bugs as opposed to a dev site which gets very little traffic normally.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is never recommended to put any software that is not even labeled beta status (although it probably is) on a live production site!

    The errors will be disabled when it is released officially. It is just easier to debug if you see them directly.
  • Actually, all "un-official" builds have set display_errors on for quite a while. The difference is the move to GitHub where we do not make "official" builds for the development branch.

    There "markRelease" plugin will allow you to override this.
  • as a heads up, the markRelease plugin isn't disabling the display_errors

    Edit: nevermind... user error, lol
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