Hello all,
Not sure wether this is a bug or not.
My photos are stored and manually arranged in a folder and I have ZP read through it to get its structure.
The point is, as I am french, some of these folders have accentuated characters. And these characters are somehow badly handled by ZP.
I have an UTF filesystem (I checked the folders with convmv) and my SQL DB & tables interclassement is UTF8. Zenphoto internal charset is set to UTF8 as well.
Here's what I have noticed:
- a folder named "2005.04 Crête" is stored as "2005.04 Crête" in the database, and displayed as such in the gallery
- in the Cache folder, 2 folders are created, one named properly (and where the thumbnails are stored) and one named "2005.04 Cr?" which is and remains empty
- I had to turn off the "UTF8 Image URIs" parameter, otherwise the thumbnails of the pictures stored in those folders wouldn't show
I unfortunately have no logs to show you - ZP doesn't come with any error. I am using the SVN version 5486.
If you upload via the backend it will strip those characters for seo.
And I don't use the backend to upload. ZP just reads through my folder and update its structure accordingly.
The define was actually in functions-basic.php and I had to put UTF-8.
But it definitely did the trick.
I think it should be configurable from the interface though. Should I open a trac request?
Just like OP I don't add files using the backend to upload and just let ZP reads through my folder and update its structure accordingly (I really like that feature:)
However, ZP is running on a Windows 2003 machine. Folder/file names include Nordic characters.
During setup it's possible to select between many different server file system character sets, I've tried ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and Windows-1252, but folders/files with Nordic characters aren’t working.
Does anyone know which server file system character set that works with Nordic characters in folder/files names running on Windows 2003?
Since setup asks for server file system character set, do I still need to do any other changes, like the "FILESYSTEM_CHARSET" define?
Short is that if the FILESYSTEN_CHARSET define does not match what the file system actually uses, all those characters with diacritical marks will not work.
I've tried zenphoto-2010-11-07-trunk and for ISO‑8859‑1 and WINDOWS‑1252 the test doesn't report any errors. Using UTF-8 or UNICODE the test report "...seems wrong".
So for Windows 2003 should I use ISO‑8859‑1 or WINDOWS‑1252? Or it doesn't matter?
Pictures aren't displayed though, but I noticed the following.
I have an album "Ã¥" (WINDOWS-1252 "E5") and a picture "test.jpg". in that folder. The http path in the browser is displayed as "http://.../Ã¥/test.jpg", but no picture, only empty frame.
If I click the empty frame to get the full picture, the http path changes to "" and the error message "You don't have permission to access /albums/Ã¥/test.jpg on this server." is shown.
Changing the http path manually to "http://.../albums/Ã¥/test.jpg" the picture is displayed.
So, any advice how to sort that? mod_rewrite?
Appreciate any help!