I'm trying not to have the image page at all in my theme, but the RSS feed links the newest images to the image page. I know I could use the RSS feed for albums, but the default feed still exists. Is there a way to link the feed to the album page instead? Thanks for your help.
Except that two ways:
1. Modify the rss.php file to do what you want. Look at line 52:
`$fullimagelink = $host.WEBPATH."/albums/".$albumobj->name."/".$item->filename;`
and change it to
`$fullimagelink = $host.WEBPATH."/albums/".$albumobj->name;`
should do the trick.
2. Use the Zenpage news feed with CombiNews enabled, this has an option to link to the album page instead of the single image pages. You don't even need to use Zenpage at all, just enable it and add its rss functions instead the default ones.
Is there supposed to be something else after the rss.php part?
You have to change the line after that.
`$itemlink = $host.WEBPATH.$albumpath.pathurlencode($albumobj->name).$imagepath.pathurlencode($item->filename).$modrewritesuffix;`
`$itemlink = $host.WEBPATH.$albumpath.pathurlencode($albumobj->name);`
That should really do it now..