Hi! Just about to head down Zenphoto way after using other galls, i really love the look of things and the approach.
Now if only I could finalize install!! :P
Enviro: Dedicated Server, Apache 2.2.15, php 5.2.9, mod security 2, MySQL 5.0.90.
Zen Version: 1.30
Issue: Create db and user with all priv. Upload all files to web root of new account. Navigate to url. Setup ensues. Zen has 2 warnings: no gettext() and no mbstring and then the big red in regards to database info. I enter the db details and save. The page refreshes and voila, i'm still at setup.php but now it's totally blank. View source no output. Try to view any zen files, root, anywhere and all zen php files come up blank. Upload my own test php to the mix and it parses. Delete htaccess generated by zen same thing.
Go into phpmyadmin and the database was never filled. No error logs are generated. Check new config file written at setup phase 1 and it does contain correct db details. Delete entire install. Try again with fresh extraction. Same thing. Try again but preup the config from first install before i try to start the next step. All pages blank. Sorry for length of post but thought i would cover my fumbles.
Any thoughts appreciated, thanks!
edit: feck, didnt see the posts in this forum when searching for blank page, i'm not the only one. I'll try everything i can get out of those posts. sorry.
edit2: recompiling with last 2 missing mods. Other post had one person who got success by enabling mbstring. fingers crossed
Anyway, look at your logs and see what the error was.
I have 7 other sites on the server all using php/mysql and they are having no probs to date. Server was built for me fresh 2 months ago. When I recompiled for this the only difference was adding gettext and mb_string, didn't tweak anything else nor my ini afterwards. Then as i say, the install that was failing continued through to finish, its now working perfectly and I'm stoked, looks like a beaut system!