I started working on a new site, during install problems occured with:
mbstring.internal_encoding and magic_quotes_gpc settings
zenphoto installed though but after install I was not able to insert special characters into my zenpages like ë,´, etc.
Asked the host to set mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 and turn magic_quotes_gpc off.
Although through phpinfo I can see internal string is set UTF-8 still no luck inserting special charactres in pages. ( phpinfo shown here
http://www.so-low.nl/phpinfo.php )
next thing I did was check the mysql database..
fields are set to collation utf8_unicode_ci
and in zenphoto options characterset is also set to UTF-8...
so I started wondering what could be the cause.. and while checking just discovered that in the zenphoto album descriptions, image descriptions I can insert special characters like ë, etc !!!!
I just cannot insert them in the zenpage content and zenpage extra content fields..
I mean I can insert them but when I update the page the content dissapears...
another test: inserting special characters directly into the zenpage content data field in the Mysql table works, and the text appears in the zenpage admin part.. but then when I update the page the text dissapears and afterwards the field in the table is also empty (except for an ´<p>´ )
Acryllian..we have a problem!
inlogcodes can be provided..
There is nothing special configured and I think the db uses ISO-8859-1 actually.
Did you maybe do something to the tinymce configuration? Try to disable that and try then
in whatever field I can enter special characters except in zenpage content and extra content (in codeblocks no problem also..)
maybe you can see for yourself http://www.so-low.nl/zp-core/admin-edit.php?
USER: solow_2010
password: solow_2010
note: the index.php is the old site I have to rebuild.. so I disabled the zenphoto index.php but you can see what happens in the admin part...
I don't think that anything has been changed on those parts for 1.3
here you can see some screendumbs of phpadmin of the database
funny thing is that I still don have any problems using/saving special characters in the album/images descriptions but only in the zenpage content/extracontent..
BTW, I see that you are missing your <head> tag, and the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> in your theme, which can be important when using special characters.
I too used zenphoto on several servers before without problems, itÅ› only this clients server that is giving the problem.. and above link is not on the domain concerning the problem..
Ah okay. I know missing the those tags would not be the cause of course, but just thought I'd mention it.
I added
PHP_VALUE mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8
PHP_VALUE default_charset UTF-8
to the end of my .htacces file end now I am able to insert special characters..
so now I only wonder why the suggested change by zenphoto setup to set mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 did not do it´s proposed job..
I just hope the htacces thing keeps functioning for now..