I have multilingual (en_US, ro_RO) and seo-locale activated for zenphoto 1.3 and a custom zenpage theme. I'm using the following function in the sidebar:
<?php printLatestComments( 4, '100', 'all', '' ) ?>
It prints:
a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:15:"Airbrush videos";s:5:"ro_RO";s:19:"Videouri aerografie";}: Portiere de Oltcit tunat pictate la aerograf by Andrei
u crazy dude
nice work
I was expecting:
Airbrush videos: Portiere de Oltcit tunat pictate la aerograf by Andrei
u crazy dude
nice work
Anny ideas why? If not I'm going to alter the function in template-functions.php in order to remove the parent folder from output.
<?php printLatestZenpageComments( 4, '100', 'showlatestcomments', 'all', '' ) ?>
This function seems to work just fine right after the first one.
Thanks for help!
To fix it yourself look at template-functions.php line 3185:
`$albumtitle = $comment['albumtitle'];`
and change it to
`$albumtitle = get_language_string($comment['albumtitle']);`
The part for the image title was already correct. Anyway, fix will be in tonight's nightly.
Thanks again!
`<?php printLatestNews( 1,'none', '', false, true, 185, false); ?>`
Prototip Renault DeZir
Producatorul de masini Renault a dezvaluit de curand unul din urmatoarele sale concepte, denumit DeZir. Litera Z din denumire ar trebui sa faca aluzie la faptul ca avem de-a face cu (...)a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:9:"Read more";s:5:"ro_RO";s:18:"Deschide articolul";}
Thanks for help!
So please try tonight's nightly.
Here's the faulty line:
`(270, 0, 'zenpage_read_more', 'a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:9:"Read more";s:5:"ro_RO";s:18:"Deschide articolul";}', NULL),`
How I changed it:
`(270, 0, 'zenpage_read_more', 'Deschide articolul', NULL),`
I guess I can live with the current code untill the next stable release if the messy code can be triggered only by admin actions.
Btw, talking about next release: It would be nice to have a selector for the statistics page like:
- all time
- august
- june
... an so on
Thanks for the help with this bug.
I'm still confused. Can you tell me what is actually triggering the behavior?
Regarding the gallery statistics. So you want a kind of most viewed etc. images for a specific month? I think that won't be possible as Zenphoto does not store such info in relation to those infos at all. There are other tools for these kind of info, my host for example provides such things (Webalizer etc.) and also the infamouse Google stats do this kind of detailed info.
(Generally, for such wishes the best is to open a ticket.)