flowplayer stutter....1080p issues

I have flowplayer installed but the 1080p files i wish to play stutter a lot. also the placement in the page the left side of the video is in the center of the page so it runs off the page. I was thinking, it would perhaps be a better solution just to provide a link to the file to download and watch in the native default player of the computer? anyone know how to accomplish that or perhaps fix the stuttering issue? thank you


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1080p videos are quite huge and need first to be loaded. Flowplayer like other players (even on Youtube) preload the whole movie in the background. Depending on your server and the viewing computer that might stutter.

    I don't really know if there are any caching tricks for Flowplayer. Please look at the Flowplayer site directly.

    The native default player is relative. If you use .mp4 movies that might work (although we actually have only support for Quicktime which will handle this). No computer has support for flv movies though.

    You can easily create a download link by using `getFullImageURL()`.
  • where does one put this getfullimageURL ? ie, which php page?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    image.php or within the next_image loop of album.php (Please read the theming tutorial if you haven't yet).
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