I would like to change the url scheme to use 'portfolios' instead of 'gallery', i.e. the gallery page should display at `/portfolios` and an album with folder name 'some-album' should display at `/portfolios/some-album`.
I have specified the following in the .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^portfolios/?$ index.php?p=gallery [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^portfolios/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/?$ index.php?album=$1 [L,QSA]
This works as intended, until I turn on 'mod rewrite' under Options > General:
The gallery page displays fine at `/portfolios`, but when I try to view an album at `/portfolios/some-album` I get the following message:
Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found.
Album: portfolios
Image: some-album
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Since it is a custom page there needs also to be a /page in the url so you have /page/portfolio/<some album> because otherwise Zenphoto thinks a top level album named /portfolio exists which does not.
Or you just make a toplevelalbum named portfolio and link to that directly.
That was not exactly the solution I was looking for — I really don't want the `/page/` part — but it did lead me to this workaround:
I renamed album.php to custom_album.php, and .htaccess now reads the following:
RewriteRule ^portfolios/?$ index.php?p=portfolios [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^portfolios/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/?$ index.php?p=custom-album&title=$1 [L,QSA]
Then added this line to the top of custom_album.php:
`$_zp_current_album = new Album($_zp_gallery, $_GET['title']);`
Thanks again!
You should really do a sanitize($_GET['title']) for security.
Anyway, I still think it would be much easier to have a toplevel album "portfolio" to link to directly since then there would not be a /page (depends on your theme of course...)
Thanks again.
PS I (wrongly?) assumed the sanitize_path in the Album constructor would have been sufficient for security.
Thanks for the donation.