search result pagination


i have found that the pagination functions `printPrevPageLink` and `printNextPageLink` don't return the correct link when used in the search environment.

when i do a search between quotes for an exact match i get a certain number of matching results. however the link i get from `printNextPageLink` doesn't take the exact match into account, instead it takes everything inside the quotes and makes an OR of that. so from, let say, 20 results for the exact match, when i click on the "Next" link i end up with much more.

for instance with search like `'new york'` the next page link is `page/search/new+york/2` which basically gives the results of the `new OR york` search.

i don't know if my problem makes sense or not. i tried to look where the problem is but i haven't it yet. if you have any idea... thanks for your help.


  • frankm Member
    additional information

    if we perform the search like `('new york')` then everything is ok. the searchpagepath is `%28+NEW+YORK+%29`
    but if we omit the parens then the quotes are dropped and we end up with a searchpagepath like `NEW+YORK` which translates as a simple OR
  • frankm Member
    a temp solution that i have found to work is to add the space character in the `$opChars` array in the `codifySearchString` function in the class-search.php file. this way if there is a space in a `$singlesearchstring` it will be put between quotes. this way it preserves intact any search string that is put between quotes.

    yet this solution might not be the best one and you might have a better idea of what to do.

    by the way i am still using the 1.2.9 version of zenphoto. maybe this issue is irrelevant for the latest 1.3.0 version.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, then please try 1.3 first.
  • Indeed at least with the 1.3 nightly the space will be an opchar if one of the space handling options is set.
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