I found zenphoto is mixing gettexts domains during run script, when theme has its own lc_messagess/domain. If there is no solution for this, this can be the solution (usable also for plugins etc):
New custom function for getting string from another than standard (zenphoto) domain. Something like
gettextd($string, $domain) {
1) set $domain as domain
2) get string
3) set back default/previous domain
_() function is nice helper. :-)
btw, we did not use the short term _() because it is too easy to overread and search for in source code.
function gettext_th($string, $domain) {
$output = gettext($string);
return $output;
I add it into functions-i18n.php file.
In .po it looks like:
`"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: gettext_th\n"`