I want to display all the thumbs from the subalbums of a certain album on a zenpage page.
in the codeblock of the zenpage I added;
$_zp_current_album = new Album($galleryobject,"foldername");
$subalbums = $_zp_current_album->getAlbums();
foreach ($subalbums as $subalbum) {
$subalbumobj = new Album($_zp_gallery,$subalbum);
echo "<img src=\"".$subalbumobj->getAlbumThumb()."\" >";
} ?>'
this works and correctly shows the Album thumbs of the subalbums..
but how would I proceed to get the custom sized thumbs from am object? like printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(), 130); in a normal loop does?
`printCustomAlbumThumbImage(($subalbumobj->getAlbumThumb()), 130);`
<?php zenpageAlbumImage($subalbumobj->getFolder(),null,130) ?>
did the job, thanks!!!!!
$albumthumbobj = $subalbumobj->getAlbumThumbImage(); // this returns an image object of the album thumb
is what you are looking for.