Can't comment using Cimi theme

jimbob Member
I posted a few years back about this problem and a member gave this answer which worked fine:

"Cimi's theme doesn't contain a CAPTCHA field so you'll have to turn off the check on it in the admin panel (or add a CAPTCHA to the comment input):
Go to your admin panel -> Options -> Comment Configuration -> Uncheck captcha at "Require fields:" -> Save"

After re-visiting Cimi again 2yrs later, I find this no longer works (there is a CAPTCHA field now but checking or unchecking it doesn't make any difference, I still cannot comment).

Any help would be much appreciated :)


  • This is probably because the Cimi theme hasn't been updated in a long time (the theme page shows 2006!), and there have been plenty of changes since then. The theme probably prints the comments manually, whereas now it's simpler to use:

    if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) {
    You could probably replace the comment section of the Cimi theme with the above and it should respect the comment form settings (though I haven't looked at the theme).
  • jimbob Member
    Hi Kagutsuchi,

    Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure where I would put the code you've mentioned. The only file I can find that has a comments section as such is the css file but I can't imagine that you put php script into a css file (though I don't know a great deal about such things). There is a php file (image.php) where your script may go but I'm lost as to where. If it's any help, here's the link to what I've done so far:

    If anyone out there has any idea, that'd be great. Otherwise, no worries. I may have to look for another theme that allows comments but it seems such a shame as I really like Cimi.

    Thanks again,

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe that theme does simply not have comments yet. It depends where you want comments. Zenphoto supports them on images, albums and also Zenpage pages and news articles. I suggest to read the theming tutorial, especially in case you plan to do more customizations on that theme.
  • jimbob Member
    Thanks for the comment, acrylian. I used to be able to comment using Cimi but not anymore (I think Cimi has stood still while Zenphoto has moved on). It was just a question of unchecking captcha at "Required fields:" under 'options' and 'comments'. I've read 'adding the comments section' from the theming tutorial but can't make much sense of it. I've changed the CSS to make the theme fit more into my site but PHP is not my forte, so I may have to do without the comments part.

    Thanks again,

  • I am new here, but I so impressed with the level of knowledge and participation!
  • jimbob Member
    Sorry folks, I hadn't activated the comment_form plug-in! I was looking at the 'plug-in' tab under 'options'. Well, live and learn :) I have another question but I'll post that separately.

    Thanks again
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