Bug in Comment_form.php


I have a question or a little problem with the comment_form.php extension. For each inputbox (e.g. email, website..) is a label declared
Example: <label for="email"><?php echo gettext("E-Mail:"); ?></label>

But for the name input box there is nothing like this. Why? I would like to change the font size and colour for label, but for the input box this didn't work out. Is this a bug or is this on purpose?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Looks like a mistake. But that plugin supports custom theme forms. Just copy the actual comment_form.php file (that in the folder) to your theme and modifiy it to your liking
  • Noppes Member
    Thanks. I fixed it.
  • Why don't you just style the input ID 'name'? The `` tags are to keep the checkbox and text together for clicking. No checkbox for the 'name' input field.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The <lable> tags are to keep the checkbox and text together for clicking. No checkbox for the 'name' input field.
    No, that is not correct, sbillard. Labels are for all types of form elements.
  • So, are you sayuing that the labels do not keep the text an checkbox together so that when you click on the text the box gets checked?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course labels do that for checkboxes and for all other form elements as well. But the actual purpose of labels is to keep the text and its form element semantically tied together.
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