Hi, I'm running zenphoto 1.3 with zenpage and am having a problem with the comment box. I adjusted all the settings in the comment option and plugin, yet it continues to want me to input a site and the comments block is actually grey and will not allow comments to be typed. I've tried adjusting the various settings but yet the site won't go away, even after unchecking website, and it won't let me type any comments. what am I doing wrong? I've read the user manual for comments and still doesn't help. thanks
Malte Müller (acrylian)
Version 1.3, 03/09/2010
As to why the comment field itself isn't working, I'm not sure why that would happen. Perhaps it would be easier to figure out what's happening if you posted your selection of options.
We may recommend that you try the nightly build if you are having a problem that has been fixed in it. But generally you will need to decide if that build provides you a better environment than the release build. I certainly would not recommend using it without first testing to see if your site runs properly.
I'm running zpGalliriffic and zenphoto 1.3
#comment-wrap h3{display:none;}
#exif-wrap{margin:-10px 0 0 0;text-align:center;}
#exif-wrap table{margin:0 auto 10px auto;}
#comment-wrap{text-align:left;clear:both;margin:0 0 20px 0;padding-top:20px;background:url(../images/hr.gif) repeat-x;}
#comments{width:425px;float:right;padding-left:35px;background:url(../images/hr.gif) repeat-y;}
.comment,#showlatestcomments li{margin:10px 0;padding:5px 0;}
.commentinfo h4{margin-bottom:3px;}
#commentform {text-align:left;}
#commentform table td{padding:2px 10px 2px 0;text-align:left;}
#commentform .pushbutton{margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:15px;}
#commentform textarea{width:345px;}
#commentform .inputbox{width:175px;}
That I mentioned that it is unsupported is important as we are not familiar with those themes and they can do things differently than official one. If we check we check the official ones. So please always state the theme used first.