comment box

Hi, I'm running zenphoto 1.3 with zenpage and am having a problem with the comment box. I adjusted all the settings in the comment option and plugin, yet it continues to want me to input a site and the comments block is actually grey and will not allow comments to be typed. I've tried adjusting the various settings but yet the site won't go away, even after unchecking website, and it won't let me type any comments. what am I doing wrong? I've read the user manual for comments and still doesn't help. thanks


  • You might be using an out-of-date theme. Which theme are you using?
  • JimL Member
    Malte Müller (acrylian)
    Version 1.3, 03/09/2010
  • JimL Member
    The other day I upgraded the Zenphoto to 1.3, followed the upgrade instructions.
  • There is no way directly from the options to completely omit the "Website" field. The options only allow you to change whether a field is required or not (except the Address fields - those can be omitted).

    As to why the comment field itself isn't working, I'm not sure why that would happen. Perhaps it would be easier to figure out what's happening if you posted your selection of options.
  • JimL Member
    Since I've just started building my site, I decided to delete all the files on my server and reinstall everything from scratch. After doing this I still had the same problem of not being able to add comments. Until I noticed that when I was in admin roll I couldn't add comments, but when I logged in as a "member" with less rights, I was able to add comments. Not sure what's going on, but as long as my members can add comments, I guess I'm good.
  • Was your admin role the "master"? Not really sure how the master can be denied doing anything.
  • I also had problems in adding comments. any help with this?
  • JimL Member
    Yes I was logged on as master. Still not sure what happened. But I decided to change my theme to ZpGalleriffic and everything seems to work, including comments. Don't know if I can ask another question here, but what is the night build and is it something I should do?
  • The nightly build is the current development stream for Zenphoto. All fixes to problems in the base release go into this as does new implementations. Generally, this build runs stably, but we cannot always guarantee that.

    We may recommend that you try the nightly build if you are having a problem that has been fixed in it. But generally you will need to decide if that build provides you a better environment than the release build. I certainly would not recommend using it without first testing to see if your site runs properly.
  • This may be a general question, but I too was not able to use the comment box. Now that you mention if you were in admin that could be my answer except we have admin admin 1 and user. I am not the general computer person (gone for a week) but how do I tell which is what you call the master? Little out of my element and still learning here...thanks ahead.
  • Look on the admin user tab. The "master" is so marked.
  • JimL Member
    One more question on the comment subject. How do I have the comments displayed all the time, rather than having to click on the comment tag? And would this work for all the comments?
  • Un check the "toggle comment block" option in the plugin.
  • JimL Member
    I checked, and the toggle comment block was unchecked. I "checked" it to test it and it added a hide/show comments button (it was a working button). But when I un checked it again, the comments are still initially hidden, and when I click on the comments tag, the comments appear and the button to hide show is gone. Is there something else I need to check?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably you have to adjust css for the comment block. I think it needs to be hidden initially for the toggling to work.
  • Does not have to be initially hidden, but maybe your CSS does do that. Anyway, just tested with the EF+ theme and it is working.
  • JimL Member
    Which css file and what do I change? I can't find a comment.css

    I'm running zpGalliriffic and zenphoto 1.3
  • JimL Member
    I did find this in the screen.css file

    #comment-wrap h3{display:none;}
    #exif-wrap{margin:-10px 0 0 0;text-align:center;}
    #exif-wrap table{margin:0 auto 10px auto;}
    #comment-wrap{text-align:left;clear:both;margin:0 0 20px 0;padding-top:20px;background:url(../images/hr.gif) repeat-x;}
    #comments{width:425px;float:right;padding-left:35px;background:url(../images/hr.gif) repeat-y;}
    .comment,#showlatestcomments li{margin:10px 0;padding:5px 0;}
    .commentinfo h4{margin-bottom:3px;}
    #commentform {text-align:left;}
    #commentform table td{padding:2px 10px 2px 0;text-align:left;}
    #commentform .pushbutton{margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:15px;}
    #commentform textarea{width:345px;}
    #commentform .inputbox{width:175px;}
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, zpGalleriffic is not an offcially supported theme. But I guess the "display: none" part is what you are looking for.
  • JimL Member
    should I put a number "5" to display 5 comments, or should it be text like "all". I realize it's not a supported theme, and I do appreciate the help.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your choice. Normally all comments are shown, except you limit it yourself.

    That I mentioned that it is unsupported is important as we are not familiar with those themes and they can do things differently than official one. If we check we check the official ones. So please always state the theme used first.
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