Error in Album


After upgrading to the newest version, I get some errors in the album, where a single picture or video is shown:

Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in /mnt/web3/51/75/5103975/htdocs/URL/themes/zenpage-default/image.php on line 51 and defined in /mnt/web3/51/75/5103975/htdocs/URL/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4338

Warning: Missing argument 2 for checkforPassword(), called in /mnt/web3/51/75/5103975/htdocs/URL/themes/zenpage-default/image.php on line 51 and defined in /mnt/web3/51/75/5103975/htdocs/URL/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4338

URL = URL of my site.

What does that mean? How can I fix it?
Thanks for your help!



  • And another argument seem to be wrong. Below the image:

    Notice: getImageEXIFData is out of date. Use getImageMetaData(). in /mnt/web3/51/75/5103975/htdocs/strickwerk/foto/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php on line 211.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Remove the calls for checkForPassword from whatever theme you are using. They are not needed anymore (this has been covered several tims on the forum....)

    The 2nd notice tells you actually what to do.
  • Hi acrylan!

    Hm, as I'm not that in in programming PHP, I would need some help here please.

    I removed it of template-functions.php (line 4338 to 4359), but now zp-extensions/hitcounter.php on line 17 gives back another checkForPassword error. Here I don't really see the beginning an the end of the part to remove.

    01. In what data is this call for checkForPassword?
    02. Is there a cleaning script that rolls through all data to clear ist of this call?
    03. Is the a bunch of updated data files that just can be copied over the ones with the error?

  • Okay, I think this was a missmatch between new version and (old, modified) Zenpage-default theme. After reinstalliong everything is okay. No more erroros. I guess maintaning the old theme would have been alot of work. So, better doing a fresh start.

    Best regards,
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