zpFocus updated for 1.3

gjr Member
Hey all -
I have updated the zpFocus theme for Zenphoto 1.3 [5606]. Let me know here if you have any issues. :)

View ReadMe File
Download zpFocus v1.3 (for ZenPhoto v1.3 [5606] )


  • theme looks quite okay just setup.
    admin menu has problem while making sub album giving mysql error

    Zenphoto encountered an error
    MySQL Query ( SELECT * FROM `zp_albums` WHERE `parentid`= ) failed. MySQL returned the error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
  • gjr Member
    Thanks for the bug report - this has been fixed along with another report in which image pagination is screwed because of the call to isImagePage. This has been replaced in album.php. Seems to have fixed the issue.
  • Hello there,

    I have customised my album.php to fit it to my needs - can anybody tell how I could possibly manually adjust the code for album.php so I don't get screwed up pagination (e.g. I set 8 pics per page in settings, I get 9 pics, I choose 10, I get 12) while remaining on the former version?

    Thanks in advance

  • Checking out zenPhoto1.3, I get the same problem. The photos can only be set in rows of three, either 3, 6, 9, 12 or even 15 pics. Everything inbetween is rounded up to the next number divisible by 3. Is there a way to change this, as I am experimenting with a 4-thumbs-per-row design?
  • Hey sbillard,

    seems I have not been able to successfully track down the problem - as far as my reading goes, this is hardcoded into zenPhoto rather than the theme? I found the code in my template-functions.php, but I have no clue as of what to change so that I have my 4-columns problem solved... can you give me another quick hint like the one before :)?

    Thanks in advance;)

  • In the Theme options, the "Album Menu Type" dropdown shows 4 options:


    Surely this is a tiny, simple little typo somewhere. I'll probably dig around looking for it tomorrow, once I merge the theme changes with my own customizations.

    Thanks for updating this, it's a wonderful theme and this will make it easier for others to use it without manually tweaking the files.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @froschfinger: First, this theme is not an official one so we don't know exactly what it does to display. Second, there are no "columns" in HTML (yet), so this is related to the functon `normalizeColumns` sbillard mentioned above. This explains why the "columns" seem not to match your setting. You should never change core files, this is a pure theme thing. This has also been widley covered on the forum.
  • Hey acrylian,

    thanks for getting back to me. I know it's not an official one, but sbillard pointed me to the function documentation. I thought it would then be related to this.

    I know there is no column support in either HTML or CSS, but I still know how to achieve it, only the number of images is screwed up :). I had already been looking into the function documentation, but it didn't give me any hint on how to fix my problem - I wouldn't know what to change in there.

    Thanks for your help, since you're poiting to the forums, I'll stick to that and try to find what I need once more....
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The link my collegue posted leade to the function "normalizeColumns" whose documentation explains in detail why that happens. In short it is used to equalize columns if using albums with images and subalbums so it looks "clean". So the fix is to remove that function from the theme and not to use albums with images and subalbums.
  • Hi acrylian,

    for some reason I had searched for that function among my customized theme, but I didn't find it in the first place. Seems I need a dozen of hints from pros like you to finally stumble over it! I finally found it in the header.php of the used theme and got it working now (changing the '3' to '4') - thanks for your kind and truly patient support on this one!!!
  • Dear gjr,
    Thanks a lot for such a wonderful theme. i have started feeding up my site.
    btw i just have a little query rather a suggestion for one addition.

    can we have a small square images on sidebar saying Latest Uploaded Images.
    May be 3 Row 2 Column showing 6 images or 9 ?

    how can we do that if you can guide me writing it on sidebar.
  • Hey glr, thanks for a great theme, I am currently using it on my site at http://www.danielyates.info

    Is there any way in which I can make the whole thing centre align rather than stick to the left? I am not a coding kinda guy so am rather clueless - I am not sure if this is theme based, zenphoto based or something else. Any advice greatly appreciated!

  • Hello,

    I have just set up ZenPhoto 1.3 and am using ZPFocus 1.3. All seems to work as planned except the links to subscribe to the RSS. (rss.php and rss-news.php). When logged in to the admin the links work, but when logged out I get the following error messages:

    XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
    Location: http://www.vintage-electronics-ads.com/rss.php?lang=en_US
    Line Number 2, Column 1:<b>Warning</b>: fopen(/home6/advertk3/public_html/vintageelectronicsads/cache_html/rss/rss_en_us.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home6/advertk3/public_html/vintageelectronicsads/zp-core/functions-rss.php</b> on line <b>337</b>

    XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
    Location: http://www.vintage-electronics-ads.com/rss-news.php?lang=en_US
    Line Number 2, Column 1:<b>Warning</b>: fopen(/home6/advertk3/public_html/vintageelectronicsads/cache_html/rss/rss-news_en_us.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home6/advertk3/public_html/vintageelectronicsads/zp-core/functions-rss.php</b> on line <b>337</b>
    Any suggestions? Thank-you!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are the file/folder permissions set correctly? Check especially the cache_html folder in the root.
  • The cache_html folder is set to 0755. The rss.php and rss-news.php is set to 0644. The folders are in the root. Also the static_html_cache plugin is enabled in the admin.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try to disable the rss cache on Options > RSS and see if that works.( Caching is disabled for loggedin admins automatically). If then maybe the 0755 on the cache_html folder does not work on your server.
  • Thank-you acrylian. Disabling the rss cache on Options>RSS solved the problem!
  • cyc Member
    First, thanks for developing this nice theme. I've played it a little bit and created my first photo gallery site by simply adopting this theme. Everything looks just great except for one problem. All my landscape orientation of the thumbnails on the gallery doesn't seem to format right so they kind of blocking the text descriptions (and the date) while all portrait orientation formats just fine. I am not sure if the problem is on the theme setup or on the Zenphoto image setup. I am rather naive on the php coding things but I will appreciate any suggestion. If you don't bother, please check my website at http://cycphoto.net

    Thanks a lot for the theme and any help!!
  • gjr Member
    @cyc - This is controlled on line 29 of gallery.php:

    `<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(),160); ?>`

    Make sure you haven't edited this line. It should size all thumbs to 160 longest side. Not really sure why it would be doing it on portraits and not landscapes....

    I purged the cache on the demo to verify and it seems to be working on the demo.
  • cyc Member
    Hi gjr,

    Thanks for the message however I didn't change line 29 of gallery.php. I also tried a clean reinstall for both Zenphoto (1.3) and the ZPfocus theme but still the landscape thumbs don't get the right sized. It looks like for landscape, it actually sizes the shortest side but with portrait, it sizes the longest side as I tried different number to conclude that.

    I was wondering if the problem is on my photos or on the sizing engine that Zenphoto uses.

    Thanks for the help in any way.
  • gjr Member
    hmmm. I was gonna take another look, but your post is gone along with your link.
  • cyc Member
    That is strange!! I did not do anything to the previous post. Hmm....
    Please look at my recent created web site at

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @gir/cyc: We are moderating the first posts of new users because of spam fighting so those posts do not appear automatically. Also sometimes Akismet might be little overactive.
  • It's really a great theme, really neat! Mon coeur balance...

    Two questions:

    1- When I use Zenpage theme, I have a register form, and also a login form. Where are they on ZPfocus ?

    2- When playing a SlideShow, would it be possible, in some way, to also display the description of the photo?


  • Hi Greg,

    Do you know which file I need to modify in order to decrease the delay between pictures on the zpfocus slideshow?

  • nvm, found it under header.php:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $("a[rel='zoom']").colorbox({slideshow:false,transition:'fade',maxHeight:'90%',photo:true });
    $("a[rel='slideshow']").colorbox({slideshow:true,transition:'fade',slideshowSpeed:2000,maxHeight:'90%',photo:true });
    $(".inline").colorbox({width:"400px", inline:true, href:"#exif"});

  • It seems zpFocus is broken in regards when there are no search matches. There is some code, but it appears that it does not function:

    `<?php if ($c == 0) {echo "<p>".gettext("Sorry, no matches. Try refining your search.")."";} ?>`

    Would it be appropriate to replace this code by the one from Effervescence+ ?

    if ($total == 0){

    if (empty($searchwords)) {
    echo gettext('Enter your search criteria.');
    } else {
    printf(gettext('Sorry, no matches for <em>%s. Try refining your search.'),$searchwords);

  • Well, I could not figure proper placing of either PHP opening/closing tags or brackets to make it work like in Effervescence+, where there is a distinction between empty search keyword and no keyword match, so I simply replaced `if ($c == 0)` with `if ($total == 0)` and it works now.
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