I use the current release of ZP and current zenpage as my theme. I made the modifications to show the hitcounter in image.php, album.php & gallery.php.
It works fine, if I'm in admin mode. If I log out and come back as a normal visitor, I don't see any hitcounter for image, album or gallery at all. Funny, if I switch then from german to english, I see all the hitcounters.
How come & why?
I called it up in the php code like this <?php echo getHitcounter(); ?> (is that right?) and it appears below every picture as logged in as admin or changing the language from german to english.
Take a look: http://www.strickwerk-productions.com/foto
hitcounter plug in 1.30 is enabled. Multilanguage is enabled. footer chnged also when changing language or adimin/visitor.
if (!empty($tburl)) {
<div id="Hitcounter">
<center><font size="-2">(Dieses Bild wurde schon <?php echo getHitcounter(); ?> mal angesehen. Klicken Sie es an, um es in der Lightbox zu sehen.) </font></center>
<div id="narrow">
<p><?php printImageDesc(true); ?></p>
<?php printTags('links', gettext('Tags:').' ', 'taglist', ', '); ?>
<br style="clear:both;" />
<?php if (function_exists('printSlideShowLink')) {
echo '<span id="slideshowlink">';
printSlideShowLink(gettext('View Slideshow'));
echo '</span>';
Same in album & gallery.
Well, I'm not good in PHP. Maybe I made a mistake.
Btw, you should update you HTML-knowledge a little, `
I found out, what made the difference. It's the static html cache.
If I switch it off in the plugins and purge the folder cache_html by ftp the site reloads perfectly. If I switch it on again, the problem occurs.
Thanks for your help!
That means: donig all you have to do with the code as admin while cache is off. So you make sure to see all the changes you've made. Than, in a last step, turning on the caching and logoff.
I'll try that.