Stopdesign Larger Image?

Is there anyway to make the main image page display the image larger than 400px? I tried changing things around in the css file but it only throws it out of alignment. I'm looking to make the image at least 750px so people can enjoy the full photo right on the page.



  • I have the same problem with stoppeddesign theme. I am trying to change de Css/html codes, but only the verticals photos, when resized, are correctly aligned. Horizontal ones are pushed under the left thumbnail (the "next" button)
    Does anyone know how to do that ?
  • trisweb Administrator
    The whole design is based on the fact that the image width is constant; if you change it, you'll have to do some serious CSS re-writing.

    Good luck! ;-)
  • Well, anyway, thanks for your answer !
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