Website menu usage?

I am looking at creating a menu item like this
The albums getting added dynamically when they are published. An archives link and a Recent uploaded Image in the navigation system.

Can you point to any references on how to begin with? I tried with CustomMenu function via admin and editing the php file but nothing is getting generated.

any help would be appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That example site uses a third party theme:

    I tried with CustomMenu function via admin and editing the php file but nothing is getting generated.
    The custom menu needs to be added to your theme to support it. We have also the print_album_menu plugin.

    As with most plugins you will have to add them to whatever theme (you did not tell) you are using. Also make sure to read the documentation about its usage.
  • Thanks acrylian for the prompt reply.I am using effervescence plus theme.
    I am looking to build the complete menu system. Any pointers where to begin?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I suggest to look at that theme as an example. All menu related functions we have generate (nested) unordered html list. THere are also loads of these dropdown menus found on the net.
  • Ok. Thanks. I will give it a try.
  • If you look at the "default" effervescence+ Menu manager menu you will have a start.
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