published even if not? bug?

Hello, I just started to set up new site (ZP 1.3) and using zenpage theme.

I discovered my articles and pages are "published" (visible) even when marked as not published. The same happens to news.

the site is - at the moment none of content is marked as published and yet there it is.

Am I doing anything wrong or is it some bug?



  • If you have access to see them, you will see them regardless of whether they are published or not. I took a look at your site and didn't see any articles or pages. If you were to log out, you would not see them either. ;)
  • This same issue has confused a lot of people (myself included) - I was pondering making the link on the upper-right of the admin tab include an extra parameter, such as "&preview=1" or something, which would make everything show up as a visitor would see it, without making the admin log out, look at it, and log back in.

    I think I'd need to find the main point at which the user is authenticated, and skip it if this value is present. Might be handy!
  • kagutsuchi, many thanks. It's definitely like you say. When I log out, it's all clear. It also makes some kind of sense, that administrator is able to see "ultimately" and the oposite possibility that he cannot see it would be maybe confusing for the administrator, so no default solution here I can see now ;-), bty really confused me and made me to write this post.

    I hope it's going to help someone next, as Blue Dragonfly says.

    Many thanks guys for clearing it up and help, I was really confused ;-)
  • It is not really practical to implement your &preview=1 suggestion. Besides, it is just as simple to log out. Certainly if you really want to see the site as a "normal" user would you really have to view it as a "normal" user.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I always use a 2nd browser where I am not logged in to check that.
  • Thanks for this post. I was going crazy with the publish/unpublished settings thinking there was a glitch
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